I think everyone from time to time struggles with enjoying the moment that you're presently in. It's a BEAUTIFUL summer day, perfect breeze and gentle sunshine and you find yourself dreaming about Fall '09 boots with zippers and long slouchy cardigans. Or you have the best boyfriend in the world, you're totally in love and you both see a future together but you can't stop thinking about how great it would be to married to him RIGHT now. Or you're doing the work that you love and enjoying the process but you can't wait until the next step. I know if I don't learn to enjoy the moment I will miss my fantastic life. I want to savor everything, I want revel in my blessings. A few things I am meditating on from the Scriptures: Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy; it is promised when you focus on things such as these you will have peace.
(Paraphrased from Philippians 4:8) Cheers!
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