In January as part of an extreme experiment trying to jolt my body back in order,(two months previously in Senegal eating mostly rice, white bread, Fanta, and black tea with 3-4 sugar cubes everyday was not doing my body good) I gave up coffee. Now, what I was drinking was beyond coffee, it was like a liquidized honey bun. Grande, White Chocolate Mocha with Soy for breakfast and dinner is no way to live. I can proudly say that giving it up has really made a huge difference(DUH!) and I feel much better consistently. All that sugar and caffiene was really doing a number on me. However, my newest obsession is Perrier. I know. I know. Perrier?
I don't even know when I started drinking it and it totally reminds me of a '70's movie for some reason. I feel so bourgeois. But it's sooo good. It's definitely an acquired taste but it's the best of both worlds. The crispy burn of soda, but the health benefits of water. San Pellingrino works and so does Poland Spring's Sparkling Water. It's not quite as expensive as the Starbucks but in NY that stuff can run up to $2 for a small bottle. Someone help me please....
I don't like my water having a crispy burn!
Quite frankly, water is not water. I drink water because I don't want that burning sensation.
why must we always meddle. I'm certain when God created water, he never thought, "maybe I should make it have a 'crispy burn.'
What happened to regular tap water
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