Visit my new blog, Alexandra Joye Warren's Joyeclectic
"You say goodbye, I say hello!" The Beatles
It's been a very long time! I've had a lot of time to think and reflect, evaluate and reexamine. 29 has been a very interesting year. It's the transition from one decade to the next. No longer in the same boat as my friends who are 21-23, but I definitely am not in the same boat as my friends who are young mothers and fathers. I have a husband now and some decisions to make in terms of my career. Do I keep going or go full speed ahead in another direction? Should I get another graduate degree maybe an MBA or study interior design? Do I wait around for the next big audition or do I make my own work?
After months of pondering I think God is making it clear to keep dancing and choreographing, keep teaching, keep DJing, and to keep growing.
With 30 just 3 months away, I think I'm ready!
So it's time to officially retire this blog and start anew. My husband convinced me that I have a lot to share that you might want to hear about. I'm newly married, living in Harlem, a teaching artist, a performer trying to take it to next level, and a woman of God trying to imitate Jesus' example in everything I do. Let's continue the conversation at http://joyeclectic.tumblr.com/
See you there!