Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Supporters,
As many of you know my dance company INSPIRIT created a community engagement project called Project: BECOMING in the Bronx in 2005. Since the programs inception we have expanded to the five boroughs of NYC and Charlotte, NC; targeting young women on the brink of womanhood and expanding their notions of self and reality.
Project: BECOMING began as an outgrowth of INSPIRIT’s 2004 performance season entitled BECOMING. At the conclusion of the concert series the company decided to further our investigation into the evolution of the modern day woman. Womanhood in the twenty-first century is a complicated issue; how it is played out in our everyday lives is even more complex. Spirituality, mental and physical health, personal and professional relationships, formal education, beauty and careers are just some of the isolated yet interrelated aspects of a woman’s life that deeply influence how she makes her decisions.
The Project: BECOMING curriculum uses yoga, creative writing, dance, meditation, capoeira and other expressive modalities; thus taking our participants on an invaluable journey into womanhood. All of our activities are discussion-based and designed to encourage an outgrowth of limitless possibilities and equip each and every young woman with the tools necessary to take independent steps towards her life goals.
Currently, we have entered the application process for our 2009 Summer intensives. Although we have not received support from any of our normal funding sources due to the nations economic climate and the state of arts funding we are determined to make the program work for the sake of the participants.
Therefore, I am asking everyone I know on in the virtual and real world to make a $20 tax deductible donation to INSPIRIT earmarked Project: BECOMING so that we can continue to create safe spaces for young women in NY, NC and beyond. Your contribution will go towards purchasing program supplies such as yoga mats, food, transportation vouchers and clothing in addition to space rental.
It is my hope that you deem this cause worthy of your financial donation and that you understand that by nourishing the young women of the world we are making a positive investment in the lives of all future generations.
Donations can me mailed to INSPIRIT at P.O. Box 555, Bronx, NY 10451 or made online through Paypal by visiting www.inspiritdance.com and clicking on the make a donation button on the support page.
The link below will give you a sneak peek inside Project: BECOMING, a safe space for girls BECOMING women. (for application materials please email Alexandra Houston at Projectbecoming@gmail.com)